It doesn’t matter where or when you do it, the hard part is to actually DO IT!

We all know we have to exercise and eat right but, the daunting question is how do we start and when do we do it? Is what you do going to be effective? Doing too much too fast risks injury and falling off the program because it just hurts too much. Doing not enough is ineffective meaning no results and, well…just a waste of time.
Let’s understand the science and do it right!
Fitness is very scientific and multi factorial. It can get quite complicated and this post is to streamline the science so you can get the most “bang for your buck.” We know what works now and what doesn’t, what is effective and what is a waste of time. If you’ve worked out before and fallen off or if this is the first time you’re considering a fitness plan, these steps are for you! Just pick up where you feel appropriate in the plan and be progressive. You know what’s too easy and what’s too hard. If you don’t know, we can figure it out together but, for most it is obvious. Your fitness plan should be challenging. It should make you uncomfortable, but not devastate you. If you’re on your phone the whole time or you never get out of breath or sweat a drop the whole time, it’s probably not effective.
“The goal of any exercise program is to Stimulate not Annihilate the muscles.”
–Jeff Kotterman Saying
Exercise is a stimulus. The simple goal of your workout is to send a message to your body to adapt and change. You are not making those changes during the workout. You are telling your body to make changes as it recovers from your exercise and prepares for you to do it again. That means its important to not only regulate the intensity of your workouts but, also pace them with time in between each one.
Okay, Time to START!
Your muscles and glands are the main regulators of all your metabolic processes in your body. They talk back and forth in a continual conversation of regulatory messaging. Your glands send commands to change size, performance and productivity of all your organs, and the organs talk back. When your muscles are used in a specific way, they release messaging metabolites that improve energy, performance, growth and repair. So imagine your muscles are like sponges. We need to keep them wet and squeeze out these messaging molecules to regulate metabolism, immune function and mobility. Muscles do one thing…they contract. If they are not contracting, they are relaxing, so the ideal start to an effective fitness program is to cause all the muscles in your body to contract fully and relax fully. This will allow those signalling molecules to be generated and excreted out of the muscle and into your blood to be received and processed by the rest of your body. So squeeze those muscles like a sponge. How do you do that?
Manipulating muscles as in massage is one way you can loosen intramuscular metabolites but, the best way to get a great contraction is resistance training that goes through a full range of motion. So you need to challenge the muscle through it’s full length. For some, this may be intimidating. Gyms, machines, heavy weights and the whole carnal fitness culture may be a barrier to start. That’s why I suggest…

The TriSystem FitCamp! Stretch – This gentle, no sweat class is TriSystem’s on-switch to fitness. Interested in seeing what TriSystem is all about? Come to this free sample. This class will re-introduce and refresh every muscle in your body while improving range of motion and balance as we work from head to toe or from toe to head. Whether you’ve never worked out before, it’s been a while or you’ve had a hard week of training, this class is as necessary as brushing your teeth.
This is a free class you can invite a friend to. It’s currently live at 10 am PST, Saturdays at our Clairemont location. We also have recorded sessions on our TriSystem Facebook Page. We Zoom in for our remote clients. This class is designed to stretch and contract almost every muscle in your body in an relaxing, UN-intimidating coed environment. All shapes, sizes and fitness levels attend this gateway class to health and fitness. Our TriSystem FitCamp! classes are an essential part of a lifelong vitality plan. I hope to see you on a Saturday. I’d love to come alongside you while you start or even re-start your fitness journey.

Stay tuned for step 2 of starting your fitness plan in the next post. I hope you see the importance of stretching regularly and start doing it in the next few days.
Do you have questions? call me or contact me here.