Homeschool PE:
Your Most Important Class! 

Call 888-538-2348 for a free session.

We may already be on your school's approved vendor list.  If not, we can apply on your behalf.

Have you ever wondered if you should be adding some organized physical education to your homeschool schedule?  To be blunt, the answer is yes. And to be clear, PE classes are about way more than physical fitness and students learning about popular team sports.

PE... What's The Point?

It's been so undervalued that school districts nationwide have scrapped PE time for more classroom instructional time.  I never saw any physical education learning standards that actually helped kids understand that enjoyable movement should be a daily habit to maintain personal health.

Capture the flag or tag on the playground structure just seemed like structured recess - which is cool, but not the point. Worse were the classes that forced kids to run in random circles for a timed period, instilling hatred for movement.

Physical Education: The Most Important Subject

I am Jeff Kotterman, the founder of TriSystem and a credentialed a PE teacher - that may seem like I have a bias towards the subject, but the reality is that it just makes me do more physical activity.  I want to be an example for my kids - and yours!  Physical education is more than just teaching motor skills for basketball, running laps, or billowy parachute games.  Physical education is when we should be teaching our littlest, most impressionable humans how to develop habits of enjoyable physical movement that will enhance every aspect of their lives from the current moment until their last breath.

I know, that seems really dramatic.

As adults, we set the example that physical activity should be a lifelong commitment.

Our Bodies Were Designed For Movement

Our bodies were designed for movement; without it, disease wiggles its way in and, without fail, affects our quality of life. Be it physical or mental, when we are still, our health suffers.

If you are suffering in any facet of your health, your ability to function decreases substantially.

It's hard to maintain a job, it's hard to maintain satisfying relationships, and it's hard to use any of the basic educational skills that we are teaching our kiddos.

No parent (homeschooling or otherwise) wants that for their young, vibrant child. We pray for the health and safety of our loved ones, our children being our utmost concern.

Physical Education Is About Setting Up Lifelong Health Habits

When we set our children up with a habit of enjoyable movement, it becomes something they can carry on and fall back upon for the rest of their lives - long after they've left our protective nest.

Notice I keep saying enjoyable? Nobody, I repeat, nobody likes to be forced to do activities they don't enjoy. They need to find some pleasure in the movement. They do - not you!

Enter TriSystem's personally designed homeschool physical education class.

Try something new! You've can find a new form of fitness with your kids.

Homeschool PE Your Way - Specific and Individualized

As with everything about homeschooling, you have so much flexibility!

You have TriSystem at your fingertips to help guide you toward a physical education class that can inspire your homeschool students to love themselves through the vehicle of physical activity.

What better life skill than learning to appreciate your body and its physical capabilities and develop a high value for physical activity and fitness?  This isn't PE from the public schools of your youth. This is TriSystem creating a safe and healthy environment for your children to learn about healthy living, healthy eating, self-expression, self expression, and overall wellness.  Who knows, maybe we expose students to some career opportunities! Either way, you will be taking the much needed steps toward providing your child with the necessary knowledge of how to maintain physical fitness.

Do you have a future physical therapist? If your child loves wellness, physical activity, and science, then kinesiology might be of interest!

Introducing Your Child to TriSystem PE Class

We all know that kids need to move.  Some kids can't stop moving! Their bodies and minds need regular movement for healthy physical and mental development.  I am a big proponent of avoiding standard physical education curriculum. Yep. We avoid the physical education learning standards too! They're boring! They do not instill a love for physical activity.  Given the obese and unhealthy state of our country today, does it really seem like school physical education programs are succeeding? TriSystem does better.  Let them try it.

Magnify What Your Children Already Love

How do your kids like to move?

Are they bouncers? Speed demons, twirlers, dolphins, throwers, racers, etc., etc

We use their natural movement patterns and motor skills to introduce activities and sports they might enjoy. TriSystem provides custom programs and variety.  We instill good habits!  If you can put it into your daily routine, you have a better chance of creating a life-long habit of movement.

Check Our Reputation

We've been doing this for decades!  Working with all kinds of kids, from special needs sedentary youth to hyperactive, rambunctious kids, students with disabilities, wheelchair kids, children with prosthetics, students with neuro-muscular issues...

varsity student athletes, D1 athletes, Olympic competitors and professional athletes. 

Each seeing their own success.

How To Get Started With TriSystem

We are a professional organization who believes in what we do.  Experience our service for free.  Then, once you've determined this is a good fit for your child, we can work with you to coordinate with your homeschool for payment through you or directly from the school.  We may already be on your school's approved vendor list.  If not, we can apply on your behalf.

Call 888-538-2348 for a free session.

Modeling Personal Wellness Through Physical Activity

Remember, physical education aims to help your child understand how physical movement is necessary for overall wellness.  We need to teach them WHY our bodies want and need to move so they can be physically fit and feel good about movement, even when it can sometimes feel challenging.

As homeschoolers, we have the opportunity to raise awareness and model being physically active. Just as we train them with household chores, meal preparation, cleaning up, etc., we need to model that physical activity and fitness is a normal and expected part of being an adult.

To Sum It All Up!

Use homeschooling as an opportunity to create lifelong habits of physical activity!

Our bodies were designed to move. Without movement, our quality of life diminishes. We have a fantastic opportunity to introduce movement into our children's daily lives and facilitate an enjoyable hobby that will help them maintain personal health.  Avoid the pitfalls plaguing traditional physical education learning standards and find a physical activity you can enjoy for a long time.  Start with TriSystem, based on their typical movement patterns and explore from there!

Have fun!

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Are you going to be a victim or a victor in these challenging new times?  There are gym, beach and even park closures!  Don't be a statistic!  Don't throw away you health and fitness goals and gain that Home school  15.  It is very important to avoid getting sick but, it is also important to stay healthy and in-shape in order to prevent all the other life-threatening things that may come our way.   Stay strong and keep moving forward towards your goals!

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