You asked for it, you got it!
This next meeting is FREE!
The meetings started by Dr Brian Lenzkes and his team of professionals continue with the March meeting of the Low carb SD Club. Come join us for more round table discussions, questions and answers, motivational testimony and more. We will provide different resources and interesting low carb lifestyle tools, people and event s each month. Here is how it works: We provide the venue, people and organize the event each month, to include a cool website. You help to provide and promote the Low Carb SD Community by becoming members and inviting others to join in the fun. If you already are involved with one of our programs, YOU ALREADY ARE A MEMBER. See the list:
- We will have approved compelling authors for book signings.
- We will have programs and tools presented and available.
- We will have opportunities for clinical measurement like RMR testing, Dexa scan and caliper body comp.
- We already have several PAID MEMBERS. Are you one?
- If your not on the list, becoming a member is easy, Just go here.
We will offer a founding members price for the following months. It’s just introductory $17 a month, no commitment, it’s month to month! As long as you keep your membership, the price will stay the same. as our membership grows, the price will increase for new members. Be a Founding Member! Well worth it to continue to grow what we’ve started into something even better!