On this this Day, May 8th, My daughter, Kaetlyn Kotterman turns 24. This has been an amazing journey for Tina and I. Kaety growing up in a TriSystem household has been unique for her, seeing that we do things differently. Our faith and lifestyle has been counter-culture from the beginning. We don’t do things the way most people do. Down to the way we eat, how we exercise and how we spend our time, we are just different and being different comes with a cost. The cost is sometimes the way we are viewed. We have been called rebellious, extremist, pious, and alarmist. We’ve been called vain, overly conscious about our appearance and overly concerned with what we eat. I thank our daughter for continually standing strong for who she is and for honoring God in all she does.

The truth be told, Kaetlyn has maintained a lean, high performance physique through a tough schedule, maintaining a full time job as a surgical vet tech and the 2024 Miss Rodeo Lakeside. She has been able to perform while healing from sickness and injuries. She’s been both sleep deprived and had to miss meals while still expected to perform. It hasn’t been easy. She is not perfect. We all get stressed, tired and need a break. She struggles like all of us but, in the end, she is able to keep going that extra mile.
What is her secret? Well first, she has a firm foundation in Jesus, a strong family ethic and compassion for all. With that mindset, it is easy to do our best in supporting what God calls her to do. So secondly, she can count on her family to pick her up when she falls down and help her just as much as she helps us. Family is the core to generational success. Third, she knows the TriSystem for health, performance and metabolic health. She knows her personal nutrition, exercise and supplementation for her body. That is the key for getting the most out of things. Some call it faith, family and fitness (another trisystem) that keeps her strong. It also helps that she lives with a family of personal trainers!

So on Kaety’s birthday, to celebrate her 24th year, we’ve decided to give back by offering anyone who’s seen her in the Lakeside Rodeo or any rodeo she’s participated in this year, a free training session or fee nutrition coaching session or free metabolic assessment. This is a $110 value for free. All you have to do is show you went to a rodeo she participated in.
If you have one of Kaety’s special autographed pictures or hats, you get 2 sessions ($220 value) absolutely free, no strings attached.
All you have to do is contact us, message us on social media or the old fashion way, call us for your free appointment.
For more information about what we do click here!
P.S.: Our programs are not just for horse people.